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     Ano XV - N. 29  mai-ago 2012

ISSN 1516-5477     .


Edição especial: Journeys Real and Imagined: Social Values, Identities & the Rights (and Wrongs) of Passages -
Editor ad hoc: Alisa J. Tigchelaar

Coord. Enric Mallorquí-Ruscalleda (Princeton University)



Conselho Editorial


Journeys Real and Imagined: Social Values, Identities & the Rights (and Wrongs) of Passages
Alisa J. Tigchelaar

Part I- Crossing Boundaries: Values in Crisis

Movement and Metonymy in Francisco de Quevedo y Villegas’s Boda de negros
Mindy E. Badía

Historia y fantasía en Historia del Rey Transparente de Rosa Montero
Kristin Routt-Montero

Part II- Travel Narrative: Monstrous Margins

Here there be no dragons: Maravilla in Two Fifteenth-Century Spanish libros de viajes
Karen Daly

Between Spanish America and Europe: Matto de Turner's (Inter)National Identities in Viaje de recreo
Olena Shkatulo

Part III: Travel and Identity: Space and Place

(Theorizing) Semiotic Landscapes: Autobiogeographical Spaces in The Little School and The Latin Deli
Louise Detwiler

The Repeating Encounter: Tourism in the Cultural Discourse of the Hispanic Caribbean
Christopher A. McGrath

Part IV: Mirroring Journies: Travel and Metaphor

La inmigrante latinoamericana en dos novelas españolas actuales: Nunca pasa nada de José Ovejero y Madre mía que estás en los infiernos de Carmen Jiménez
Sonia Feingenbaum & Natalia Gómez

Painting with Words: the Interior Journey in Siervo libre de amor
Diane Wright





Centro de Estudos Medievais - Oriente & Ocidente - EDF/FEUSP


Universidade do Porto
Faculdade de Direito
Inst. Jurídico Interdisciplinar

São Paulo / Porto