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    Ano XVIII - N. 39  set-dez 2015

ISSN 1516-5477     .


editor ad hoc: Izumi Tagawa Harris
Intercultural education in Japan and beyond:
The reshaping and representation of memory and identity


Conselho Editorial




Introduction - Intercultural education in Japan and beyond: The reshaping and representation of memory and identity
Izumi Tagawa Harris

中国人向けの日本語教育法についての試み―― 南京大学日本語科の読解授業を例として
彭 曦

Teaching Language, Culture, and Literature Together to Enhance Trans-Cultural Competence and L2 Proficiency
Keiko Kuriyama & Andrew W. Schwartz

Japanese University Students in Taiwan, Who Are Working as Volunteer Interpreter-guides for Tourists from Japan
Haruka Araki

Reshaping the Memory of the Nanjing Massacre: Second Language Learning as Intercultural Education
Izumi Tagawa Harris

The Current Situation of Japanese-language Education in South Korea: Based on Cases That the Author Experienced in Three Universities
Yae Nakamura

Canadian Multiculturalism: The significance of being official policy
Yayoi Kawano

Memories of Religious Persecutions in 1940s Thailand: Martyrs and Pilgrimage among the Thai Catholics
Mariko Miyata

The way history is told in Taiwan: reassessing a survey in Taipei
Hisahiko Kamizuru





Centro de Estudos Medievais
Oriente & Ocidente - EDF/FEUSP


Universidade do Porto
Faculdade de Direito

Inst. Jurídico Interdisciplinar

São Paulo / Porto