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ISSN 1516-5477
Conselho Editorial
Ano XIV - N. 25 jan-abr 2011
Presentation. The Meaning of Life - Revisited
editor ad hoc: Enric Mallorquí-Ruscalleda
Enric Mallorquí-Ruscalleda5
Sobre el sentido de la vida, desde una hermenéutica analógica
Mauricio Beuchot
Tomás de Aquino e o papel do corpo na realização do homem
Jean Lauand
O NF de Keirsey: busca de sentido e sensiblidade - o personagem Robert Barone
João S. Lauand
Corps et âme dans l'oeuvre de Antonin Artaud
Sixte Marcos
Perguntar-se sobre o sentido da vida: sim ou não?
Jair Militão
O verdadeiro nome
Josef Pieper
Being: Latin American Women Writers and Their Quest of Their Inner Being
Lydia H. Rodríguez
Approaching Spanish Religiosity through C. S. Lewis on the Meaning of Life: From Marcela de san Félix to Miguel de Unamuno
Alisa J. Tigchelaar
Convergenze post-metafisiche sulla vita. J. Habermas e Anna-Teresa Tymieniecka a confronto
Daniela Verducci
Vernunft und Leidenschaften - Thomas von Aquin und Josef Pieper, Heute - I
Berthold Wald
Resenha: Bienvenido Morros Mestres, El tema de Acteón...
Sònia Boadas Cabarrocas
São Paulo / Porto
Ano XIV No. 25 jan-abr 2011
ENRIC MALLORQUI-RUSCALLEDA, PhD in Spanish and Portuguese Languages and Cultures from Princeton University (USA), is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Spanish at the Indiana University of Pennsylvania, and a member of the editorial board of several professional journals. He has lectured and published extensively on Medieval, Early Modern and Transatlantic topics. His work is characterized by a comparative and interdisciplinary methodology. |
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