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Convenit 4 and Convenit Selecta 4 -

 Editorial Note


Jean Lauand


            We should like to begin this note with some recent news about the editorial work of Mandruvá, closely linked with two Departaments of the Universidade de São Paulo and with the important colaboration of outstanding academic institutions (as is the case of Convenit). Mandruvá publishes several reviews both in traditional and electronic media.

            In its edition of August 8, the Jornal da USP published a very complete article on Mandruvá: http://www.hottopos.com/midia/usp.htm.

            The Brazilian Mega-Portal iG has dedicated its page Culture (from August 9 to August 11) to Mandruvá's pages: Mandruvá na Mídia

            Besides the above (and much other news about us - see "Mandruvá in the Media": http://www.hottopos.com/midia.htm) it is a fact that the relevance of an Internet site is measured by the number, quality and diversity of the links directed to it. So we are happy to see that there are more than 150 links to our site (see: http://www.hottopos.com/linkami.htm). They include, for example, many German Universities (Bochum, Hannover, Regemburg, Wittenberg etc.), the sober sites of the Vatican Library, the Brazilian Foreign Affairs Ministry, the Staatsbibliotek zu Berlin etc.

            Last August 13, we received a special prize: the "Premio San José" of the Monasterio de Carmelitas Descalzas de Medina de Rioseco (Spain), one of the few secluded monasteries allowed to have an Internet site. The award was given to Mandruvá for "its humanitarian contents" and for its "efforts to make the Web something of value as well as delightful and human".

            Naturally, Convenit plays a main role in all this. The e-series Convenit is published by a group of academic institutions: Albert-Ludwigs - Universität Freiburg - Raimundus-Lullus-Institut; Centro de Estudos Árabes-FFLCH - USP; Editora Mandruvá; Editorial Arvo - Arvo Comunicación; Harvard Law School Association of Brazil; Instituto Plural-Pesquisas e Projetos de Pluralidade Cultural; J. W. Goethe - Universität Frankfurt am Main - "Sonderforschungsbereich Wissenskultur und gesellschaftlicher Wandel", Laboratório de Tecnologia da Decisão - Proinfo-Edu - FIA - FEA-USP; Pont. Univ. Católica Paraná -Mestrado em Direito Econômico e Social; "Raimundo Lúlio" Brazilian Institute of Philosophy & Science; Universidad Autónoma de Madrid - Depto. de Estudios Árabes e Islámicos; Universidade de São Paulo - Filosofia e Ciências da Educação - FEUSP; Universidade do Porto - Gabinete de Filosofia Medieval da Faculdade de Letras; Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona - Departament de Ciències de l'Antiguitat i de l'Edat Mitjana.

            The printed version, Convenit Selecta (usually shorter than the electronic Convenit), has for each edition a different publisher: in this edition the publisher is the Raimundus-Lullus-Institut of the Albert Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg - Freiburg im Breisgau.

            Convenit 4 is not thematic and offers several short essays. Included in our electronic edition is Waldir Cauvilla's "O pensamento político de Alceu de Amoroso Lima na década de 30".

            We wish to thank the authors and editors for the high quality of the articles and to express our special gratitude to Dr. Fernando Dominguez Reboiras, the editor of Convenit for the Raimundus-Lullus-Institut.

September 2000